Galician Ministry of Culture, Education and University Organization will launch a new edition of the project on educative innovation EduMotivaCon this year.
Román Rodríguez, Minister of Culture, Education and University Organization Department, held conversations this morning with some of the characters who will join the project this year. Scientist Ángel Carracedo, who had already participated in the previous edition; África González, who is the Director of CINBIO (Center of Biomedic Investigations of the University of Vigo; windpipe player Susana Seivane, and the enterpreneur and consultant Sandra Touza, were present in the meeting. The General Director of Education, Professional Training and Educative Innovation, Manuel Corredoira, also participated.
Business reaches classrooms with the enterpreneur from Vigo Sandra Touza.
A total of nine schools and highschools in Vigo and its surroundings will be hosting Sandra Touza, who will explained the students her experience participanting in the program EduMotivaCon by the Ministry of Education. More than 20 different experts will offer their experience in that field in different centers of non-university education around Galicia.
Seafood collectors and fishermen are up for the tourism sector.
Named as “Naval Tourism”, several sessions will be held in Museo do Mar, aiming at enhancing those economical activities related to fishing and seafood collection as a tourist attraction. “There is an economic opportunity in the enhancement of the naval resources as tourist attractions managed by local population”, states Sandra Touza, CEO of Ponle Cara al Turismo, who will be leading the seminar.
“Tired of visiting the same places every time, I needed to go deeper into the destinations and get to know the local population. That would be the only way to widen my knowledge, enrich myself culturally, and feel myself a local as any other, thanks to experimentation and learning”
“Ponle Cara al Turismo looks for travellers who are responsible, who want to fit in the communities, who do not harm heritage neither natural resources. We develop authentic territories, who are at the same time inclusive but responsible and ecological, being based in those values which make them unique and different by analizing their life cycle.”
Prodest Erasmus Project is an enterpreneurial iniciative aiming at creating knowledge through Digital Storytelling to new talents, students or undergraduates, in order to boost enterpreneur spirit.