“Creative Tourism Galicia and Put a face to Tourism”,
Community, Creative and Industrial Tourism as an Experience in Galicia .
Our initiatives are based on a creative proposal with the resources of the destination.
This Company is …related to planning, to make marketing and promotion the tourism sector in Galicia.
Always in a sustainable, accesible, and community way.
With this type of routes we approach tourists, and visitors to the LOCAL population and so they are involved in the visit , and it give to the destination an important identity of value.
We speak Dutch, English, German and French.
Our goal ARE:
To make an emotional feeling to the visitors, so they could get relevance to buy the products made in Galicia.
After a creative experience, which should be more intense that a “typical tour” , the visitor is linked to the stage where he get the experience and becomes an enthusiastic Ambassador..
Bring closer” the creative visitors to the Galician locals , through their business, tourist, artistic and cultural initiatives.
Promote this type of tourism to people that has physical disabilities, so the routes had been designed for everybody.
The local population is very proud of this project because they get involved with and take active part in.