



Agri-tourism turns the tourist into a farmer for one or several days, but at the same time, it allows him to raise awareness about the immense value of the soil and the environment protection. Agri-tourism is directly linked to eco-tourism.

An agri-tourist does not just go to the countryside having it as a backdrop but to be in real contact with rural life and with the traditional way of life of each area. This usually includes some activities in a mixed-farming place. 



Unit 1: Agri-tourism and tourism associated to experiences as a source of rural diversification.

Unit 2: How to create a product

Unit 3: Requirements of the touristic products. Creation of touristic products.

Unit 4: Characteristics of the demand. Promotion and commercialization actions.

Unit 5: How to improve communication by social media.

Unit 6: Marketing plan and communication actions.

Unit 7: Technical workshops on how to improve the competitiveness of rural companies by using the Lean Start-up – Lienzo Canvas method.


Aimed at:


Enterpreneurs, undergraduates, students and general public interested in creating their own agro-business.




  • To help to implement their business idea.
  • To boost the enterpreneur spirit in the rural areas.
  • To promote the value of agri-tourism and tourism associated to experiences as a source of economical diversification in the rural areas.