Training provided

Formaciones técnicas en Turismo que hemos desarrollado desde el 2010 hasta la actualidad  para Entidades, Empresas, Ayuntamientos, Universidades, Centros de Formación, Fundaciones,  Institutos de Formación Profesional  y Cámaras de Comercio.


2010 Fundación Paideia- Deloa – Padrón

2013 Uned de Ourense – Castrelo de Miño

2014 Formación para Emprendedores Expertemprende Junta de Extremadura

2014 Formación  “Nuevas Oportunidades como alternativa al desarrollo rural” en Negreira en el Ayuntamiento de Negreira ( A Coruña)

2014 Formación en el Instituto de Rosalía de Castro  para los alumnos de 1º y 2 º curso en Turismo en Santiago de Compostela.

2014 Formación “Nuevas Oportunidades como alternativa al desarrollo rural”  en el Ayuntamiento de Muros.

2014 Formación “Nuevas Oportunidades como alternativa al desarrollo rural”  en el Ayuntamiento de Santa Comba.

2014 Formación en el Instituto de  Manuel Antonio en Turismo para los alumnos de 1º y 2 º curso en Turismo en Vigo.

2014 Formación en Turismo Creativo , Comunitario e Industrial Diputación de Pontevedra Sede VIGO.

2014 Formación “Nuevas Oportunidades como alternativa al desarrollo rural” para el Ajuntament del Celrá Promoció Económica- Girona.

2014 Formación en Turismo Creativo , Comunitario e Industrial para la Escuela de Turismo de la Coruña.

2015 Formación “Cómo sacarle partido a mi casa de Turismo Rural” para Uned de Ourense -Casal de Armán.

2015 Formación “Cómo sacarle partido a mi negocio turístico” para el Ajuntament del Celrá Promoció Económica- Girona.

2015 Formación para GADEPRO, Obradoiro Emprega Verde en Redondela.

2016 Formación para Fundamar en la Cooperativa de Armadores sobre “Cómo hacer mi entidad/empresa Visitable” en Vigo.

2016 Formación “Cómo hacer mi pyme visitable” en Aje Vigo.

2016 Formación Obradoiro de Emprego Tui. (Pontevedra)

2016 Formación para Emprendedores Obradoiro de Emprego “Vigo Prepara” 2016.

2017 Formación Turismo Marinero para la Cámara de Comercio Villagarcia.

2017 Formación Nuevas Estratégias Turísticas como motor de desarrollo para la Uned de Vigo.

2017 Formación para desempleados “Promoción y comercialización de productos turísticos locales” para la Diputación de Pontevedra – Fondo social Europeo.

2018 Formación para Interrias Tour Operator, “ Como convertir propuestas en Experiencias” en Sanxenxo.

2018 Turismo Marinero para la Uned de Vigo.

2018 Turismo Marinero para el Museo Mar de Galicia.

2018 Formación en Cooperación y Creatividad con Lego para NorIntegra en Vigo.

2018 Formación para Emprendedores en Aceleradora Emprende VGA Villagarcia.

2018 Formación en Herramientas para Emprender en Vigo para Nortempo.

2018 Formación  en la Universidad Complutense Madrid en Innovación social, financiación participativa y Economía en el sector turístico.

2018 Formación sobre Cooperación, motivación y liderazgo a través de LEGO para Academia Iria Flavia en Santiago de Compostela.

2018 Formación para la Universidad de Burgos “ Turismo en femenino, territorio e innovación social

2018 Uned de Pontevedra “Cooperación y creatividad en el desarrollo de proyectos con LEGO”

2018 Formación Uned de Pontevedra “¿Cómo ponemos en marcha un proyecto turístico local?

2018 Formación Ayuntamiento de A Baña ¿Cómo ponemos en marcha un proyecto turístico local?

2018 Master Class Diputación de Lugo “El agroturismo como fuente de diversificación económica”


Seafaring Tourism



An intense discussion about how to create bonds between the cultural, economic and tourism sector in order to create business opportunitites with the local population and mainly the fishing sector has been running lately.

 The fishing sector is experimenting a big development towards new ways of management, commercialization and diversification. New business models have been suggested by the UE as a key for the future of this sector. Those models focus on the sustainability of the sector, taking care of the environment, valuing the culture and tradition, and giving a new importance to the traditional fishing sector by including tourism.




Unit 1: Natural resources. Types of resources.

Unit 2: Analysis of destinations.

Unit 3: Maritime  and Seafaring Culture. What is Seafaring Tourism? Benefits.

Unit 4: Activities: how to design visits and routes. Creation of touristic packages.

Unit 5: Seafaring Tourism Offer. Legislation and safety rules.

Unit 6: How to turn an idea into an economic opportunity.


Aimed at:


Graduates, enterpreneurs of the fishing and social sector; managers, professionals of the fishing sector such us seafood collectors, vernacles collectors, sailors, or fishermen. Tour guides and other professionals of tourism.

medioambiente Those people who do activities related to the extraction of seafood in natural areas using the correct arts and performing the adecuate operations, respecting the legislation of safety and environmental protection.




  • To boost the diversification of the fishing sector and the economy of the territory.
  • To bond the tourism and fishing sectors, adding value to the work done by the professionals working in the sea.
  • To conceptualize, design and develop a project for the companies of the sector, or even the seafood collectors, vernacles collectors or fishermen to organize visits.


How can I turn my business/ fish market/ port into a place which can be visited



Industrial Tourism is a concept of leisure born because of the curiosity of visitors to get to know the background of the culture of work. From learning how cheese is made, or how to build an airplane, or be shaken by the emotion of going down to the depths of a mine or tasting a good example of tinned-food in an authentic tinned-food factory. There are endless possibilities!!

Ports and fish markets are the essence of seaside towns and the origin of many territories which have developed exponentially form a small fishing port in the 1960s.

As they represent the seaside towns and because of their identity as a destination, town or community by themselves, visitors are eager to visit those places. A programme of visits has been properly developed, in its internal organization as well as image and presentation so that it can reach an adecuate implementation.




Unit 1: Industrial tourism: Good practices / Industrial Tourism legislation.

Unit 2: What´s the point in showing my company?

Unit 3: inconvenients? What sort of public would I want to attract or can I attract?

Unit 4: Starting-up, reception and farewell of the tourists.

Unit 5: How to train your staff to lead visits for tourists.

Unit 6: Speech preparation (Story Telling). Identify the appropriate message according to the corporative image and philosophy. How to address audiences.

Unit 7: Image and communication. Successful cases nationally and internationally.

Unit 8: Individual Consultancy: advising, design and creating of a route around the facilities and respecting the production process.

Unit 9: Audit: Design of customer satisfaction surveys; Check-list, Tools for improvement and follow-up


Aimed at:


Executives, CEOs, Managers, technicians, Marketing department, foremen, Local Development Groups, Coastal Action Groups.




  • To turn tourists into potential clients.
  • To improve the tourist loyalty so that they become ambassadors of the brand.
  • To promote innovation and competitiveness in the SMB in the area.
  • To increase and get more benefit from the visits organized by the company.
  • To conceptualize, design and develop a project to help companies to organize visits.




Agri-tourism turns the tourist into a farmer for one or several days, but at the same time, it allows him to raise awareness about the immense value of the soil and the environment protection. Agri-tourism is directly linked to eco-tourism.

An agri-tourist does not just go to the countryside having it as a backdrop but to be in real contact with rural life and with the traditional way of life of each area. This usually includes some activities in a mixed-farming place. 



Unit 1: Agri-tourism and tourism associated to experiences as a source of rural diversification.

Unit 2: How to create a product

Unit 3: Requirements of the touristic products. Creation of touristic products.

Unit 4: Characteristics of the demand. Promotion and commercialization actions.

Unit 5: How to improve communication by social media.

Unit 6: Marketing plan and communication actions.

Unit 7: Technical workshops on how to improve the competitiveness of rural companies by using the Lean Start-up – Lienzo Canvas method.


Aimed at:


Enterpreneurs, undergraduates, students and general public interested in creating their own agro-business.




  • To help to implement their business idea.
  • To boost the enterpreneur spirit in the rural areas.
  • To promote the value of agri-tourism and tourism associated to experiences as a source of economical diversification in the rural areas.